Design og Produktions konsulent, med speciale i Mode-, Smykke-, Living- og Grafisk design.


Freelancer gitte amalie  hempel
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gitte amalie hempel

København V, Danmark

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Passionate, creative and devoted product & design manager with 15 years professional experience in design and production.

Open minded, honest and inspirational team player with adaptability and impact,
Positive, loyal and strong personality.

Fashion design / Jewelry design / Graphic design / Brandbuilding / Production management.


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    Design and product consultant.
    Trend driven and strong talent for commercial fashion design.
    Wide knowledge of all product groups, design and production.
    Trendresearch and communication
    Development of identity and concept
    Art direction and Storytelling
    Broad branding & marketing experience
    Photo Styling and showpiece designing
    Graphic identity building and design
    Print design
    Visual merchandising
    Design and product planning and structure
    Collection coordination
    Good sense of high level product within quality, design and workmanship
    Optimizing of design process
    Innovative, dynamic and business focussed
    Close corporation with sales and retail
    Production planning
    Experienced buyer skills
    Strong analytic skills

    Tidligere og nuværende ansættelser

    Udførligt RESUME findes her:


    Designskolen Kolding
    Grafisk Skole
    Dekorations skole
    Bigum & co

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    User Stats

    • Har været Amino Freelancer siden: 31-08-2015 Set kontakinfo i alt: 0
    • Bud på opgaver afgivet: 1 Bud på opgaver vundet: 0