Freelancer med ekspertise inden for Mobil - Android app udvikling


Freelancer Tomas Maksimavicius
  • Baseret på 0 anmeldelser

Tomas Maksimavicius

Kaunas, Lithuania

Se kontaktinformationer


I am android developer, who is responsible, hard worker and passionate about android programming and it’s new technologies. I have experience with android and web development. Also, I am 23 years old who have diploma in Engineering. I have 2 year experience in project management in industrial Engineering field.
I have already created 2 apps:
My first app was a price calculation app which function was to quickly calculate approximate price of standard products during the meeting with a client. This app increases efficiency in sales and in communication with clients.
My second app is "Basketball training app" where users can videos of basketball and fitness exercises according to categories. Also, users can find recent news, memes and success stories. This app will be launched on google play until the end of 2016 September.


  • Mobil - Android app udvikling

Yderligere information  


Up to 1 year experience of Android development. Experience using Git, SQLite, JSON, UI, Firebase, Realm, Retrofit, Android Studio , MVP architecture, RxJava, Dagger 2.

Tidligere og nuværende ansættelser

2014.07 - 2016.05 Project manager in UAB "ALUFLAM"


By milestones


Kaunas University of Technology

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User Stats

  • Har været Amino Freelancer siden: 17-09-2016 Set kontakinfo i alt: 1
  • Bud på opgaver afgivet: 1 Bud på opgaver vundet: 0