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Forskudsopgørelsen PMV

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Tilmeldt 12. Jan 21
Indlæg ialt: 1
Skrevet kl. 21:50
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
I have a question regarding Forskudsopgørelsen when you have a PMV.

I am not an employee or have any other source of income. I was advised not to put any information about my expected revenue on the forskudsopgørelse since its such a small amount (I invoice for app. 2500 DKK a month and plan to keep on that level), but of course pay taxes as money comes in.

However, this doesn’t seem completely correct as I then don’t have a skattekort when I have set my income to zero, but have a registered PMV and do in fact have a revenue from my small business.

So should I put this expected amount as “Overskud af selvstændig virksomhed” or as “Honorarer” – or was the advice I was given in the first place a good advice?

I will contact Skat for guidance, but maybe someone here has any input.

Thanks in advance! 😊
Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46446
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 23:17
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

You shall add it to forskud as income from the Company and nothing Else. If you do not, tax can do it and set a higher amount - Overskuud selvstændig virksomhed it is

br John Hannover

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