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Hej everyone, I need some help and some tips !

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Tilmeldt 19. Jun 18
Indlæg ialt: 2
Skrevet kl. 20:55
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
Hej everyone, I think that I need som advice before I start my own company. It would be only online and I think that I need someone who knows the rules about economics,Skat, Nets and more many .
If I will get the answers of this questions it would be easier for me to find out if I still have the chance to build this company and if the recourses that I have are enough.

I understand some danish, I can speak also but I’m really bad at writing, sorry.

I will appreciate if anyone could help me to solve this puzzle ( it feels like this for me).
You’re welcome to call me if that it will make it easier for you. 50336778 florin

Best regards Florin.
Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46444
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 21:28
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

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