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What is the difference between graduate role and entry level role

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Tilmeldt 9. Nov 23
Indlæg ialt: 1
Skrevet kl. 04:11
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I see a lot of job title especially from a Nigerian job site vacancies234.com
What exactly is the difference between both
Tilmeldt 9. Feb 12
Indlæg ialt: 1137
Skrevet kl. 15:05
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Hello Pedro the difference in between an Entry level job and a graduate Level job is the amount of training you've received. In the specific industry

Let's for an example say that I'm a chef and so are you. And then we both get hired by a hotel.

And you are a chef who has no training outside of the school that you were trained in. 

And I have 35 years of experience as a chef. 

Then I would probably be given a graduate role based on my seniority as a chef. 

And you would probably be given an Entry level role based on your lack of experience. 

I don't know if that is the way it works in the restaurant business. Which is why I wrote probably. 

Fra Et eller andet sted i Danmark
Tilmeldt 15. Mar 19
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Fra  Computernørden What The Hack ApS | Computernørden ApS Skrevet kl. 22:22
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Nice way to conceil a link

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