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how to transfer revenue to my nemkonto (Revolut) legally?

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Tilmeldt 22. Oct 20
Indlæg ialt: 19
Skrevet kl. 16:42
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Hello Smile,

I have a small company (CVR registered 18 months ago). I converted from IVS to ApS. My nemkonto is with Revolut (Lithuanian, EU)

I have "samarbejdeaftale" with another company. They will give me orders and I will complete it. They have provided payment terminal.

Customers pay with card, and money goes to their account. They will transfer my revenue to my account after their charges.

Later on I have to pay salaries, insurances, finances, taxes etc..

Now, the other company has limitations to send money outside Denmark. They cant send money to Revolut. A Danish bank account is good for them.

From 18 months I was in contact Danish banks, they declined me. So I go to the Revolut.

Does any company can provide a service to transfer my revenue from Denmark to Revolut (Legally)? Should i approach a lawyer? If so which type of paper work i should have.

Please let me know.

Thank you



Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46673
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 23:53
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They might transfer via WISE (former transferwise) but it is always at a cost to transfer abroad. Your set up will scare any bank quite bad - I am sad to say

br John Hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
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Tilmeldt 22. Oct 20
Indlæg ialt: 19
Skrevet kl. 17:39
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Thank you. I spoken to WISE. They will not do this kind of transfers since my bank is Revolut (both are competitors).

I have arranged this Revolut setup only because Danish banks have rejected me to have an account. 

Reason 1: is huge debts. How debt has impact on my company account? I didn't asked for a loan, I need an account. Credit score is logical if applied for a loan. (This reason is indirectly preventing peoples to live with their dreams). I was unemployed for 1.5years and started this project with lots of hope.

It gives an impression poor man doesn't have a chance to operate a business in Denmark.

Reason 2: Current private bank should give you an account. Private bank rejected by X reasons, why the 2nd bank is depended on private bank. 

Reason 3: We are not obliged to give you a reason. This is awful to listen. 

Very sorry speak like this but i have no words. I am searching for an account from 18 months.

One should be punished if involved in money laundering or terrorist funding. But I am not.

Thank you.



Tilmeldt 14. Jun 21
Indlæg ialt: 28
Skrevet kl. 20:28
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so you can not open a bank account in denmark, they will not let you do this. wauw. im also speechless. this is like no freedom at all and discrimination toward people with debt or of foreign ethnicity. also the danish banks have started to take money from people with x amount of money in their bank account they make usury and take a percentage of their money. i am so sorry to hear this and hope you can find some solution.

Fra Varde
Tilmeldt 5. Jan 21
Indlæg ialt: 80
Skrevet kl. 23:54
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Gennemsnit 5,0 stjerner givet af 1 person

Well, now Revolut has also closed a lot of accounts, and mostly from Danish and Swedish, and Finnish companies. Without a word, first frozen, then after 1-2 weeks just standard email that you do not fit as a customer and last statement as a separate email. Without any information on how to get your own balance. I know at least 20 such customers. And for many it means insolvency.  And some companies have several employees. 

Transport costs audit for all Amino members free of charge. 

Tilmeldt 22. Oct 20
Indlæg ialt: 19
Skrevet kl. 10:09
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Thank you for your thoughts. 

I guess it can be monitored by Finance ministry of Dennmark. Revolut is in the approved banks list by Finance styrelsen. I wonder why those customer accounts got removed from Revolut. I am a member with Revolut since from one year with minimum subscription and it works perfectly fine. One can subscribe to finance insurances if worried about funds in the banks.

Government departments have sent returns to my nemkonto with Revolut. But I am struck with my partners internal policy to not send money outside Denmark (may be afraid of money laundering issues).

I posted here to find a solution if some advocate or any company can facilitate money transfer complying with anti money laundering law. Because in general money transfer considered as money laundering but my case is completely different.



Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46673
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 11:52
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It is not the finance styrelse DK monitoring - they just have approved it as e-money institute - but they are under the finance institute of Estonia as I remember

Their freezing of certain accounts are legal as it is. IF they doubt a transaction or just- worry about it, they may and shall freeze an accound - and can close it - but of course the money will be free to go another bank - IF one can find one to take it - AND the time it takes, to many feels as ages

br John Hannover

br John H

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 22. Oct 20
Indlæg ialt: 19
Skrevet kl. 12:07
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Great. Digital styrelsen have signed Nemkonto, Finance styrelsen included in their list of banks. Do we still need to suspect Revolut? I think no. These are all government departments. Registration of nemkonto with a foreign bank made based on Danish regulations. They will not be offered without compatibility. Please educate me if I am wrong.

But still wondering if some advocate or company will help me to facilitate for a legal money transfer.



Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46673
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 00:23
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Great. Digital styrelsen have signed Nemkonto, Finance styrelsen included in their list of banks. Do we still need to suspect Revolut? I think no. These are all government departments. Registration of nemkonto with a foreign bank made based on Danish regulations

not the same as any danish control - it is given based on its Baltic e-banking/banking licens just. Any foreign bank as such can be used in DK with nemId - but that is no guarantee. ONLY the estonia financial institute is controlling an estonian licensed bank. I know quite many with revolut complaints - all totally turned down in DK and refered to complaining in estonia
In DK only banks with danish licens is controlled

Also revolut  is not coverede byt the 750 t gurantee fond

Generally you can trust them IF they lock your account do to some idea of a mysterious transaction - it may take quite much time - based on lots of reports - but generally it will work

Legally you can transfer from any danish Iban to you revolut iban - unless your bank prohibibts direct transfers to abroad - 
All you danish  customers can pay to you Baltic Iban - but with the cost of transferring outside Denmark

br John Hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 22. Oct 20
Indlæg ialt: 19
Skrevet kl. 18:21
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Thank you.

Good news is that at least i can run my business with Revolut.

My partner issued his terminal (part of the agreement). So all the payments will be made in DK. He pool up all the payments in to one and transfer to me once a month. His limitation is only danish Bank. 

So my task is to find a solution if any advocate or a company to facilitate this transfer. First transferring to a advocate account and then to Revolut. Of course after proper agreement. 

What I must consider if I make an agreement with advocate or money transfer agent?

Also I spoke to one of the Danish bank today. His questioned if I have any loans. I replied yes, he offered account only if I can make loan amount to 'ZERO'. It looks like after 10 years I can make it 'ZERO'. So until then I must wait to become old after few years I go to old age home. What a funny bankyy reason.



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