Min forretningspartner, camille,er amerikaner og har været her i landet 1 år nu. Hun kunne godt tænke sig at finde evt. danne et netværk for engelsktalende iværksættere i aarhusområdet. Findes der et sådant netværk? Eller er der evt. nogen, der kunne have lyst til at være med til at lave et? Det er ikke så vigtig, hvilke slags virksomheder der er tale om - et bredt udvalg vil være helt fint. Camille og jeg har et lille nystartet kommunikationsfirma, med fokus på både dansk og engelsk.
Jeg håber der er nogen der har idéer eller vil være med :-)
Jeg ved ikke om det findes i forvejen, jeg har aldrig hørt om det før, men der er flere engelsk talende iværksætter her inde så mon ikke at der kan samles nogen.
Jeg vil gerne være med i det netværk. Jeg bor i Aalborg og modersmål er engelsk.
If I were you I would definitely seek such a network via Amino. I don’t think you can find more entrepreneurs in Denmark anywhere on the net, compared to here. I would seek members for a network by writing in English as some of the people you seek may not read Danish yet og anyway be more attracted to a thread in English
You could then include those interested and responding in your list over entrepreneurs in your own network – maybe initially just keeping them all in one long English based thread on the forum, until you had formed a real network
I cannot see that it should disturb the Danes in here with a thread in English aiming at forming such a network
Br John
6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER
I think that the idea of writing in english is spot on - I'll do that and see if more interested people will turn up.
I agree with you that Amino is the best place to look for people for a network like this. I only just joined Amino a couple of days ago, but I am allready very happy I did so :-)
Sound interesting, and Amino certainly is a great network for a lot of thing.
We do networking in Amino as well as our own network, that also is an online network - Circles of Business which aims to do both open networking online groups with a strong business focus, and also closed groups, and an english spoken networking group could be a solution.
If anyone is interested - and no matter where your are situated in DK - in forming a Business group for english spoken entrepreneurs we would be happy to give away the first 10 spots for free.
And just to be frank, we will challenge you to use your Linkedin profile more actively, and use others means for communicating what you can do for other businesses. The elevator pitch will not be used in our business networking.
That sounds interesting - I am sure that Camille would like to join a buisness group for english speaking entrepreneurs online - if she can have a spot for free :-)
She still needs a group to meet with face to face once a month. Do you know anyone in your network near Aarhus that would be interested in that - just let me know.