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? hvem bruger I til udsendelse af nyhedsbreve o.lign?

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Fra Vesterbro
Tilmeldt 22. Aug 07
Indlæg ialt: 282
Fra  Heavyrope Skrevet kl. 12:38
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Bruger ExactTarget - som vi også forhandler via Core Relations

Du kan evt. hente denne rapport hvis du vil have en sammenligning af nogle af de bedste systemer på markedet. (Vurderet af Forrester)


For A Fact
Strategi og Rådgivning baseret på fakta!

Fra Skovlunde
Tilmeldt 6. May 09
Indlæg ialt: 470
Fra  WebGain Skrevet kl. 14:26
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Jeg benytter også Aweber. Det kan varmt anbefales.

Webdesign, optimering og online markedsføring. Se mere på WebGain.dk

Fra København
Tilmeldt 22. Jan 09
Indlæg ialt: 1760
Fra  Buehøjgård Møbler Skrevet kl. 14:39
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

MailChimp er virkelig genialt og effektivt, og en uforlignelig spam prevention og statistik. Det er det bedste program/service til email udsendelse jeg har set til dato - og jeg har prøvet tonsvis af den slags gennem årene. :)


Tilmeldt 26. Sep 10
Indlæg ialt: 4
Skrevet kl. 01:27
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Hey Amino´erSmile

Fin tråd - så jeg kaster mig ud i min første debat herinde - særligt da jeg den sidste tid har undersøgt en del på diverse autoresponders etc. Skulle måske skifte til English - alle er måske ikke helt skarpe til dansk!

Does anybody here on Amino USE autoresponders/email marketing services (except the few answers!)?

I have spent quite a few hours to determine the differences (pros and cons) on the biggies - Aweber, Getresponse and Mailchimp (iContact, Constant Contact etc does not seem to do the tasks I need).

My impression is very briefly:

Aweber - bullet proof, but not very easy to use - just look at their website - nice and cool, but no real value in the content.

Mailchimp - great artistic value - quite new - so don´t know if they are the way to go.

Only concern - they do NOT seem to like/accept Affiliate Marketing - so if you look that way maybe better to avoid Mailchimp.

Getresponse - my favorite so far - wonderful website (fantastic demo videos - truly inspirational) and does not seem to think of them self as mighty kings. Job done - problem solved;) - and GREAT video inclusions/voice readers - wauw;)

Also they are a bit cheaper than Aweber - but I really don´t care about the money - we talk peanuts here -compared to possible renevue (and loss if provider is not up for the task!)

OK - there must be a few nutty EXPERTS out there with REAL user experience - hopefully!

Shoot me a line - thank you in advance.



PS. If you look for world wide distribution I would not go for a small Danish provider - sorry, but no cigar!






Fra København
Tilmeldt 26. Mar 05
Indlæg ialt: 975
Fra  Ubivox ApS Skrevet kl. 11:52
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Hi BlueConsult,

What goal do you want to achieve when you talk about autoresponders related to e-mail-marketing?

 Originally autoresponders regarding e-mails was just a name for sending an out of office reply back when smebody e-mailed you. Lately it seems that the word autoresponders are being tossed around ind different versions in the marketing community and most of the time it has nothing to do with what the original word covered. :-)

We get a lot of "autoresponder" requests at Ubivox currently, but most of the time it's something related to a lettercourse or similar concept where people want to be able to send a subscriber one or more e-mails in a row depending on an amount of time in between the e-mails. Which is the mechanism we're looking at, at the moment.

It would be interesting to now your definition of "auto responder" :-)


Fra København
Tilmeldt 26. Mar 05
Indlæg ialt: 975
Fra  Ubivox ApS Skrevet kl. 13:22
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
Gennemsnit 5,0 stjerner givet af 1 person


PS. If you look for world wide distribution I would not go for a small Danish provider - sorry, but no cigar!

Even though I on some points agree with you on this, I think it's a little short-sighted. As it is right now a lot of the really big newsletter providers actually have quite a lot of problems delivering to small ISP's in europe and in Denmark specific (TDC being one of the most hopelessly managed e-mail arrays currently, regarding to newsletters and mass mailing).

This is because a lot of the so called international (global) ESP's is actually just american companies focusing on the american market. They "secure" their delivery by signing up to white-list services like sender-score and sender bonds and the like. The only problem is that in most cases that only get them quicker to the front door of some of the larger ISP's and web-mail providers like hotmail and yahoo (in some cases it actually doesn't do anything at all). It doesn't do much in regard to delivering to TDC, forum.dk or other minor local players in the market. So often you'll find a local ESP to have better performance in those areas than the big "global" player, because they "know" each other form the local business market.

The reason is that you can't buy white-listing with money even though a lot of people think it, you need to be present and talk to the ISP's and manager of the mail servers whenever you whitness a problem and try to solve it together and maintain a good reputation. The larger companies often ignores the small mail-services in smaller countries and for many american ESP's the whole of europe is a small country in many cases. :-)

So there might actually be a good reason for signing up with multiple local ESP's if you want to deliver better in specific local regions. It's a bit the same as when using a CDN to distribute your content. Unless of cause you can find one company being locally (As in focusing on each individual country or region - no need to have a physical office) present in multiple countries.

Where I agree though, is that a small local ESP which is just a part of a larger CMS-solution or hosting company isn't probably going to yield a better result than the international in the local space. This is not so much because they are local, but because in most cases they don't care and often see the email delivery system as something that just works and doesn't need constant maintenance and monitoring. They focus on the larger CMS-platform or hosting business and the e-mail-delivery part is just a minor business in their company.

Seen from a technical standpoint a Danish (Swedish, Norwegian or any other small country) provider might be just as good regarding delivery as an american provider. You don't get better credits for being an american in the e-mail delivery business, even regarding to delivery for hotmail or yahoo mail. It's all about reputation and monitoring, making sure that your e-mail delivery network isn't blocked and sending to spam-traps.

The larger the company the harder it actually is to control your servers reputation and monitor them (which is why many companies think they can buy themselves white listing), but the larger you are the easier it just is to hide small volume deliveries with bad recipients in your stream.

So in some cases it might look like it's a better idea to send through a large one because they might not discover that you actually have a problem which is related to spam-traps and bad recipients (bad list management). However from a pure technical stand-point regarding delivery it shouldn't make a difference as long as your ESP adheres to the postmaster best practices, which is possible to do for both the local and the large global company alike. :-)

Fra København
Tilmeldt 13. Sep 08
Indlæg ialt: 222
Fra  Trovatten Netspiren - Din helsekostbutik på nettet Skrevet kl. 13:03
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Jeg bruger Mailchimp og det er jeg meget godt tilfreds med!

Kig forbi min nye blog om Internet Marketing!

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