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Import from outside EU - VAT and customs

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Tilmeldt 9. Jun 16
Indlæg ialt: 1
Skrevet kl. 17:26
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Hello there, 

I have read a few topics here that are linked to my problem but my danish level doesn't allow me to feel safe about the knowledge I got so far. 
So, I would appreciate if somebody could answer my question in english. 

I run a small online business here in Denmark, I am self-employed, have CVR and I am registered as an importer

Last week I got my first shipping from China, I had to pay the DHL carrier the moms and told. And so I did. There is my name and address on the told/moms kvittering. But apparently there is no CVR number there. I guess that's why I wasn't asked to pay it via SKAT

Now, how can I register it on tastselv.skat.dk? I can see there is no payment registered yet :( 

I have also found this and I am not sure how to use it.

Thank you for your help.

Tilmeldt 3. Feb 06
Indlæg ialt: 12656
Skrevet kl. 17:52
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

I had to pay the DHL carrier the moms and told. And so I did. There is my name and address on the told/moms kvittering

Det må være fordi dit firma navn ikke fremgår af fakturaen fra Kina, så DHL har troet at der var tale om en privat forsendelse.  Er du importørregistreret skal du ikke betale told og moms til speditøren (DHL)  den bliver opkrævet af SKAT i den efterfølgende måned.

Spørg DHL om de har mulighed for at rette i toldangivelsen.  


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