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Gode råd omkring kommende personlig konkurs og lønindeholdelse

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Tilmeldt 9. May 09
Indlæg ialt: 5
Skrevet kl. 12:30
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Som det ser ud lige pt. vil der i nærmeste fremtid nok ske det at Skat lukker min virksomhed og tar mit hus da jeg har en større både moms og restskat skyldig til dem.

Så vidt så godt. Jeg har mulighed for at finde job relativt hurtigt, men synes, efter at have googlet lidt rundt, at denne del af kildeskatteloven undrer mig:

"Den samlede indeholdelsesprocent efter kildeskattelovens § 48, stk. 4, kan ikke overstige 100 procent"

Betyder dette i praksis at Skat kan lave en 100% lønindeholdelse i fald jeg får mig et job ? For mig lyder det jo ret vanvittigt. Tidligere kunne man finde i §73 stk. 3 at det maximalt kunne være 20%.

dette kan jeg så ikke finde mere, så er noget forvirret over hvad der er en gældende sats.

Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46432
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 12:49
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6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Fra København S
Tilmeldt 7. Jul 14
Indlæg ialt: 25
Skrevet kl. 14:21
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Tilmeldt 19. Jan 15
Indlæg ialt: 2268
Skrevet kl. 15:07
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :


dette kan jeg så ikke finde mere, så er noget forvirret over hvad der er en gældende sats.

Det er heller ikke så simpelt at du bare kan slå op i en lovbekendtgørelse og finde svaret, desværre!

Hvis du ser Skat's juridiske vejledning for dette, G.A. https://skat.dk/SKAT.aspx?oId=1949613&chk=211047 så er der mange forhold som spiller ind.


Jeg går næsten ud fra (dit indlæg taget i betragtning) at midlerne til en større advokatudregning ikke er til stede lige nu, så jeg vil anbefale dig at gå til den lokale retshjælp. De kan i rigtig mange tilfælde guide dig lidt mere på rette vej i forhold til hvad du kan forvente fra Skat's side ved en eventuel konkurs.

Tilmeldt 8. Sep 15
Indlæg ialt: 3
Skrevet kl. 17:28
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We will be very pleased if you could help us with advice. The company where my husband was working is bankrupt. They didn't pay him a last salary and few payments of feriepenge. Now we should look for an authority which will apply for LG and help us with this case.

My husband payed a-kasse but not a membership's fee. They sad to him if he will start to pay 480 kr. for a membership they will take his case. From other side the lawyer from gratis Retshjælp sad to us that they can take our case too. So we don't know whose help is better to use to attain a payment of all debts. Economically is easier for us to take a gratis lawyer but probably they are not completely competent in cases like this and will not be able to bring us wages back; fagforening probably knows better how to achieve it but right now is extra money from our budget in situation when I and my husband stay without work and moreover he pays 3500 kr for children support.

Anyway we are interested in the best variant so we can be sure to receive my husband's wages back.

If you have any idea what is the best choice, please, let us know.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention.

Best wsihes.

Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46432
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 19:43
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

As far as I know - he can just write a letter to LG https://www.borger.dk/Sider/LG-kontakt.aspx  with his name, CPR and a copy of last salary (or maybe even tax statement 2014 as well) + a copy of the employment contract

Just write, that company xxxx with the CVR nr (can be found by looking up the name at: www.cvr.dk ) has gone bankrupt and has not paid the the following:

x month of salary/wage - in accordance with the contract

Holiday pay in for xxx outstanding days or whatever you know it is.

You can also let "retshjælpen" do it for free - that sounds good, but anyway it is not generally a problem and LG (Lønmodtagernes garantifond) can be expected to ensure that your husbond gets his money.

I expect the unions will not just do it for the 480 kr - but will expect you husbond to be a member going forward. That may then also be in his interest, as they may help with other advice during his coming job search - but thats all up to him.

best regards John H

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 8. Sep 15
Indlæg ialt: 3
Skrevet kl. 13:54
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Hi John,

Thank you very much for your detail letter. You are so professional and fast responding, definitely the number one advice-giver of amino.

We are really in doubts regarding which authority to collaborate with.  Generally the main criterion is who can help us in this case in more professional, efficient and fast way and who has more juridical mechanisms to use. So maybe you could direct us in this question.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Best regards.


Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46432
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 19:38
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

It is a very clear case and as such not one where you need to have any big worries - as Lønmodtagernes garantifond (LG) will never try to escape their role.

Do you know the curator of the bankruptsy. That is normalle pretty easy to find his name. Often the company will have informed the empolyees about the bankruptsy with a name of a curator, or you can look it up i "statstidene" on the net - Contact the curator, as you actually have a clame on the company, and the curator will take it with LG

You can also use the contact to LG I gave in first answer and the documentation. It is not a case where you want to spend money on the best lawyer - as it is very clearcut - If you husbond has not received salary and holiday pay according to his contract - then LG will pay in accordance with its rules (most cases full pay, but there are some limits.

Try the curator as no 1 - the free of charge legal service as no 2 - and the contact directly to LG as 3 - they will all work - just a matter of time

br John Hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 8. Sep 15
Indlæg ialt: 3
Skrevet kl. 10:25
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Hi John,

You really helped us with your answers so now we know what to do. Thank you very much!

If we can leave a positive comment about your activity let us know please.

Best wishes.


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